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The people of Israel in Moses' day said "No, you seek The Lord for us...He's too awesome!" But now Jesus has removed those LAWS - that proved to be a hindrance - by His Work on the Cross. We are Saved from that system. I've a question to ask you: why do we allow another man/men run our ship? We are all given a life to watch over as Adam was given a garden. That was his garden to ENJOY as long as he watched over it. (taken from the Living Free page).

UPDATE 20th JULY 2014.

Although there has not been many comments about this topic, I feel to leave it here because of it's importance and also relevance Today with so many 'awesome' type Televangelists and Visiting Preachers. Many evangelical and pentecostal ministers expect you to be answerable to them and claim to be your covering when scripture clearly refers to The Lord Himself as our covering. He does not make mistakes like man; He is the One sinless Example and Advocate; He watches over us 24 Hrs a day; He has a high opinion of us in His Son; He is more able to evaluate the plans and decisions we make according to His overall Plan for our lives.....often He sees our potential and calling more clearly - sometimes in a totally different light than your pastor etc He knows you far more intimately.

Sometimes He needs the voices of others out the way so He can have a better say, so to speak.

Is that you perhaps, can you relate to that? How clearly can we hear Him, we need to ask ourselves more often. Then we can ENJOY this Garden He has given each one of us_ and He can Enjoy it also. That has been His intention since He made us. YES. Man makes things so complicated. Keep it simple.

I would like to direct you to some lighthearted reading

on my Christian Inspirational website.

I write poems like Helen Steiner Rice in the Presence of Jesus.

Poems of Joy, Peace, Love, Strength, Rest and Comfort.

They will open up in a separate window!

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